waterproofing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

all water and thermal insulation systems and concrete repair

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great experience in the field of thermal insulation and waterproofing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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maintenance and operation of installation, repair and maintenance of heat, water and sound insulation

Specialized in the supply, implementation and repair of all water and thermal insulation systems and concrete repair

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Cementitious Waterproofing is done using heavy cement-based compounds and various additives that are mixed and packaged for use in a dry form

Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer is a synthetic rubber most commonly used in single-ply roofing because it is readily available and relatively simply.

Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) membrane roofing is also known as vinyl roofing. Vinyl is derived from two simple ingredients: fossil fuel

Epoxy or Epoxy Resins is a type of thermoplastic solid , It has two components: resin and hardener, It is highly adhesive and resistant to friction and chemicals whether

is a type of waterproofing system for buildings. It is used on flat or nearly flat roofs to prevent leaks and move water off the roof.

Polyeuro ® 5901 is a fast set, rapid curing, 100% solids, flexible, aromatic, two component spray polyurea that can be applied to suitably prepared concrete

Spray polyurethane foam, commonly referred to as SPF is a spray-applied insulating foam plastic that is installed as a liquid
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King Abdul Aziz City Department of Military Operation and Maintenance (Roof-PU)

National Co. for Mechanical System(Roof-PU)

Ali Al Mohaidib (Roof-PU)

Saad Al Aglan (Roof-PU)
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Cementitious Waterproofing is done using heavy cement-based compounds and various additives that are mixed and packaged for use in a dry form; the packaged mixture is then mixed with water and liquid bonding agents to a workable concrete-like consistency. Cementitious products are probably the easiest waterproofing materials to apply. They don't need any sophisticated equipment for applicationCement based waterproofing products are used massively all around the world for the waterproofing of projects asWater Tanks Swimming Pools Basements Manholes Foundations Cementitious waterproofing already has a long, proven track record. It is suitable for both negative and positive water pressures. Actually they are the only waterproofing products appropriate for projects with negative pressures. They contain no solvents and are user and environment friendly. They are suitable for contact with potable water. They are the mainstream product for the waterproofing of water tanks and reservoirs and can withstand very high positive pressures.Conventional cement based waterproofing products are prone to cracking Cement based waterproofing products need a thorough, minute preparation of the substrate. Not even traces of laitance, dirt, grease, curing compounds etc. are acceptable. This is not an easy task to accomplish under the usual site conditions
Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer is a synthetic rubber most commonly used in single-ply roofing because it is readily available and relatively simple to apply. EPDM as a roofing membrane has advanced significantly over recent years. Problems previously associated with it included moisture gain under the membrane by vapour drive (occurring on roofs with air conditioned space beneath), and that EPDM did not like to adhere to itself and seam problems occurred. Simply adding a vapour barrier will help to resolve vapour driveSeaming has become simple with the addition of Factory Applied Tape, resulting in a faster installation. The addition of these tapes has reduced labour by as much as 75%. It is a low cost membrane, but when properly applied in appropriate places, its current warranted life-span has reached 30 years and its expected life-span has reached 50 years and this continues to rise with every year that passesTypically, there are three installation methods. Ballasted at 1,000 lbs/sq or 10 lbs/sq.ft. with large round stones. Mechanically attached is another method and is suitable in some applications where wind velocities are not usually high. Fully adhered is the most expensive installation method but proves to give the longest performance of the three methods
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) membrane roofing is also known as vinyl roofing. Vinyl is derived from two simple ingredients: fossil fuel (Petroleum or natural gas) and saltThermoplastic PVC roofing is extremely strong, as its heat-welded seams form a permanent, watertight bond that is stronger than the membrane itself. PVC resin is modified with plasticizers and UV stabilizers, and reinforced with fiberglass non-woven mats or polyester woven scrims, for use as a flexible roofing membrane. PVC is, however, subject to plasticizer migration. (a process by which the plasticizers migrate out of the sheet causing it to become brittle.) Thus a thicker membrane has a larger reservoir of plasticizer to maintain flexibility over its lifespan.Vinyl roofs are inherently fire resistant due to their chemical composition and have a broader range of fire ratings over common substrates.PVC has been sold for commercial roofing use for more than 60 years. Vinyl roofing membranes' long life cycle – and the associated lower energy consumption to both produce the raw material and process it into useful products – is a significant factor in their sustainability as a building productVinyl roofs provide an energy-efficient roofing option due to their inherently light coloring. While the surface of a black roof can experience a temperature increase of as much as 90 degrees under the heat of the full sun, a white reflective roof typically increases only 10-25 degrees FahrenheitVinyl membranes can also be used in waterproofing applications for roofing. This is a common technique used in association with green, or planted, roofsIt worthy of note that many Green Building organizations recommend not using PVC roofing due to significant environmental hazards from the toxicity of the manufacturing process as well as the noxious compounds released in a fire such as hydrochloric acid fumes and byproducts including dioxin, a potent carcinogen
WHAT IS EPOXY Epoxy or Epoxy Resins is a type of thermoplastic solid , It has two components: resin and hardener, It is highly adhesive and resistant to friction and chemicals whether acids, bases or solvents , Where an insulating layer is formed when dried , Used as a paint, mortar or adhesive . The most common types of epoxy resin produced are the interaction between Epichlorohydrin and Bisphenol AUSES : - Used in coating parking floors, moorings floors, exhibitions, workshop floors and car showrooms used in swimming pool floor coatings- It is used as a waterproof sealant in tanks and sewers, and is used for waterproofing in the roofs of houses and public and private buildings- Epoxy is used in the treatment of marble and granite to gain a very thin layer and then to make the surface of marble and granite smooth and smooth as well as hardness and protection from weather. Also used in paste some types of marble and granite together.
MEMBRANE ROOFING is a type of waterproofing system for buildings. It is used on flat or nearly flat roofs to prevent leaks and move water off the roof. Membrane roofs are most commonly made from synthetic rubber, thermoplastic (PVC or similar material), or modified bitumen. Membrane roofs are most commonly used in commercial application, though they are becoming increasingly more common in residential applicationMODIFIED BITUMEN A modified bitumen membrane roof is a system developed by taking the qualities of a BUR system along with the qualities of a single-ply roof. A standard MBS roof system should have a base sheet or ply, similar to the BUR system, then a waterproofing sheet similar to single-ply.To break it down, a modified bitumen membrane is composed primarily of polymer-modified bitumen reinforced with one or more plies of fabric such as polyester, fiberglass, or a combination of both. Factory surfacing, if applied, includes mineral granules, slag, aluminum, or copper.Modified bitumen's generally use a traditional waterproofing medium -- asphalt -- modified with atactic polypropylene (APP), styrene butadiene styrene (SBS), synthetic rubber, or other agents that will enhance the asphalt properties. APP and SBS are the most common bitumen modifiers.SEALTECH USES APP MODIFIED BITUMEN MEMBRANE FOR ITS PROJECTS: APP (ATACTIC POLYPROPYLENE) is a thermoplastic polymer, which forms a uniform matrix within the asphalt. This enhances the bitumen's performance by increasing its UV resistance, increasing its flexibility at low temperatures, and improving its flow resistance at high temperatures. APP modified bitumen sheets are generally applied using a propane-fueled torch. We use the heat (torch) to soften the modified bitumen on the underside of the sheet. The sheet's bottom surface becomes a molten adhesive, which flows upon the substrate and then cools to form a waterproof adhesive bond. Some APP sheets can also be applied with cold-process adhesivesMODIFIED BITUMEN MEMBRANE - DATASHEET (PDF'S) Bitumat Dermabit Awazel
DESCRIPTION Polyeuro ® 5901 is a fast set, rapid curing, 100% solids, flexible, aromatic, two component spray polyurea that can be applied to suitably prepared concrete and metal surfaces. Its extremely fast gel time makes it suitable for applications down to -20°F. It may be applied in single or multiple applications without appreciable sagging and is relatively insensitive to moisture and temperature allowing application in most temperatures.FEATURES Excellent Thermal Stability No Toxic Vapors Meets USDA Criteria Seamless Low Temperature Flexibility Zero VOC Odorless 100% Solids Low Permeance Rate Non-Reactive Good Chemical Resistance Excellent Color Retention Coats Most Metals without Primer Installed With or Without Reinforcement in Transitional Area TYPICAL USES Industrial and Manufacturing Facilities Water and Waste Water Treatment Walkways and Balconies Secondary Containment Marine Environments Food Processing Plants Mining Operations Fertilizer Plants Refineries Airports Power Plants Structural Steel Warehouse Floors Cold Storage Facilities Landfill Containment Paper and Pulp Mills Parking Garage Decks
WHAT IS SPRAY POLYURETHANE FOAM? Spray polyurethane foam, commonly referred to as SPF is a spray-applied insulating foam plastic that is installed as a liquid and then expands many times its original size. Spray polyurethane foam can be adjusted and have many different physical properties depending on the use desired.HOW DOES APPLICATOR INSTALL THE SYSTEM? Specialized equipment is used to apply the spray polyurethane foam and proper technical training is important in order to get the best results.HOW LONG DOES SPF ROOF LAST? The oldest performaing SPF roofs in the world are over 30 years old. In Saudi Arabia, we have come across SPF roofs which are more than 15 years old. Because the physical properties of the SPF change little with age, how long the SPF roof system lasts depends primarily on the original application and long term maintenance. SPF life can always be extended by recoating SPF after 10 or 15 years.WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF SPF? SPF acts as a thermal insulation material and also as a waterproofing material SPF reduces drafts and increases comfort SPF helps maintain a comfortable, constant, temperature throughout the building, from room to room and floor to floor SPF assists in improving indoor air quality Excellent insulation efficiency of SPF can reduce heating and cooling usage dramatically HVAC equipment can be down-sized, thereby reducing construction costs SPF can be maintained, repaired or reroofed very easyily SPF helps conserve energy, reducing CO2 emissions SPF contributes LEED credits for sustainable, green construction SPF can help reduce structural damage caused by high winds SPF contains no formaldehyde or ozone depleting substances
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